Sunday, 9 June 2013

Some Funny and Inspirational Quotes

·         If something is not happening for you, it doesn't mean it's never going to happen. It means you're not ready for it.

·         “Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. “

·          “The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.”

·          "Everything is okay in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end."

·          “ It's okay to get angry with God. He can take it. “

·          “If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it. “

Funny Quotes:

·          "A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man. " - ByLana Turner 

·          "Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. And they are both disappointed."

·         "If women didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning."  – By Aristotle Onassis 
·         "If your wife wants to learn to drive, don’t stand in her way."
·          "Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company."  - By Mark Twain 
·          "Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them."  - By P. J. O'Rourke  
·         "There are three ways to spread news: telegram, television, and tellawoman"
·         "Why do only 60% of women go to heaven…because if they all went it would be hell"
·        " No gentleman ever discusses any relationship with a lady." - ByKeith Miller 
·       "  It is very difficult to tell a woman where you’re planning to go..Cos it’s difficult to answer the rest.. WHERE?. WHEN? and FOR WHAT PURPOSE?. And then comes the worst “I WOULD LIKE TO JOIN?”

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Top important things NOT TO DO in the Office

Hi readers, welcome to my post. I want to share my thoughts about office behavior. One or other time definitely you get trapped into an embarrassed situation in office where either you are blamed for nothing or caught for what you have done. Both the situations are not really easy to face. We might not able to avoid all the bad situations but atleast from our side we can put good effort to make a difference.

Following points I strongly feel are the most important behavioral changes one need to take care of.   Some of things you’d rather not do in your office are:

Never ever Spread Gossip or Office Politics:

This point is the very first and important one to be corrected immediately. Be very careful about telling even a trusted coworker anything that you wouldn't want everyone to know. You may be great at keeping a secret but not everyone is so virtuous. The point might be a secret or just for fun to you but need not be the same with others. Words get mangled. By the time when your words reach to the other end, it might lead to some different meaning which even you never think off. If you hear something from someone, try to keep it up to you and first confirm.

Gossiping and taking part in office politics not only spoil the office environment but it affect innocent people and sometimes it may take a toll on one’s job.  If you have any problem better to raise to the right person directly than talking behind.

No Gossip in Office

Keep your Temper in control:

Office is a place where one must be control especially with emotions.  In emotions the important one to mention is anger. If you are short tempered or not able to control your anger then better to take part in Anger Management Course. Really, sometimes your boss or co-workers or other situations might irritate you and may cause to lose your temper, but you should not cross your limits like shouting at co-workers, throwing things at them, scolding or hurting them. Showing your Temper in office is a BIG NO.

It not only causes damage to you reputation but also affect your career growth. So be patient, everything will be in control with time.

Don’t browse illegal sites 

In my work experience I have seen many people who do illegal things in office premise. I don’t want to mention the things like bribing, accepting gifts etc. These days it is getting much common to browse illegal sites like porn, social networking, online trading, watching movies etc. There is no blockage of these sites does not mean that you can do or watch anything you wish.  

Just think if you were caught red handed while watching a porn site, how shame!! Keep in mind; all the browsing activities are tracked by your IT department. If required they can takeout the whole history.. If you were caught it will become a remark on your career.

No Illegal Site browsing

Don’t be late without proper reason:

Being late to office, once in a while is not considered seriously, but consistently late is a mistake. If you have any personal or family problems better discuss and inform the management prior to get highlighted. Take permission that you will be late for 2 days etc. Just think if you are a boss will you allow your staff to be later than you?

Don't go late to Office
Don’t utilize office property for personal use:

This is widely seen office mal-ethic. People tend to feel the office property as their own. This is not good at all, even it is not highlighted. Taking too much of printouts, using office vehicles for personal use, making too many phone calls etc shows your fickle mentality. Keep in mind that every stationary item has its maintenance. So be careful before over utilizing things.

Don't utilize office resources for Personal use
Don’t be loud while talking:

I have seen many people who starts group discussions in office that too in office hours. While talking they never mind about other people and talks loudly. Some people talks so loudly over phone that everyone in office can hear their conversation.

This type of behavior is very bad which not only reviles about your things but also shows your bad manners in office.

Smell good and dress neat:

I am not supposed to write about this point. This is the basic thing a person should follow in the office.  But some employees never care for this. I hear this from many of office staff. If you smoke or eat something smelly, be reminded to clean your mouth before you start to work again. Better to have some mouth fresheners like mint, polo etc.

Another thing to mention is dress code. Office is not a place to show our fashion sense. So wearing round neck T-shirts, Torn jeans, and shorts not at all accepted except if company policy allows. Your appearance is the mirror of your mind.

Don’t over utilize the break times:

Employees take short breaks during office hours like for smoking, tea and lunch break etc. Break time is important but it should disturb your minimum office hours.  Every organization has its own working hour policy for employees, like 8 hrs per day. From this 8 hours if you spend 2 or 3 hours on short breaks then you are not doing justice to your employer. If you want to take short breaks, keep them ‘short’…

Never think that no one observes you. When time comes, even small issues will be highlighted.

  Be polite with female coworkers:

This is an important point to stress. Be polite and gentle with female staff. If they play joke or a bit close to you doesn't mean you are granted to do anything with them. Even your funny act may lead to big trouble.

 Don’t put blame on others:

Without any proper reason don’t put blame on others. If there is any fault from your side, admit it humbly. No human is 100% perfect. Accepting one’s mistake never degrades his importance. But make sure you don’t repeat the mistake. Just to escape some difficult situation putting the blame on another innocent person is very wrong. You may escape the situation instantly but the impact will be longer and bad. So never do this.

Don't blame others

Don't you think the above points are must?  Your valuable comments are highly appreciated..

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Top Things Your Toddler Must Know Before Going To Kindergarten

Top 9 things your kid must know before going to Kindergarten 

Below are the top ten things I personally feel much important for a toddler 
to know before he/she go to kindergarten. Our kids are so precious to us that
we sometimes overlook some habits which might looks very odd when they go out. 

1. Potty Trained : 

Your child must know how to use toilet. They must be taught to inform an 
adult if he/she needs to go to toilet.  Just feel the moment if your child pees 
or poops in the class floor and it has be cleaned by some aaya, very 
embarrassing. So it is the first part important point to teach your baby 
to inform the teacher about his/her need and go to toilet.

2. Teach to wear pants and button the cloths:

Really, this might look very small point but, it is very important for a toddler
to know to wear pants and button his cloths. If kindergarten, even though 
some nanny is available, they might get irritated if a kid does not know to 
wear a pant. so, it is better to teach them this too..

Wearing pants

3. Know to wash hands and use tissue/napkin to dry:

This is very important habit to teach the toddler to clean his hands with soap
or hand wash. and dry the hands with tissue or napkin. Until they were 
inside the house they are much protected from infections. Once they aree
exposed to open world, it is very easy to get infected soon. The very common
problem that can see in toddlers is flu, cough, diarrhea which are caused
by infections. so it is very important to teach them to clean the hands on 
timely basis.

Add caption

4. To drink water and manage their snacks:

Teach to drink water when required. Tell them the importance of water, 
else they might forget completely. Ask them to open up the snacks box 
at snacks hour and eat.


5. Train to hold the pencil :

This is also one of the important point to teach. In a class of 10 or 15 or 20,
a teacher might not able to concentrate on everyone. So it is always better 
for a parent to teach the toddler to practice with pencil. To create interest
 in them, start with crayons first. In this age, they love colours. So at 
home just provide so colour pencils and let them draw as their wish, but 
teach them the right way to hold the pencil.

Holding Pensil
6. Teach a common language:

At home if you are using a local language like Tamil, Telugu, Hindi or 
Malayalam please prepare your toddler to face the outer world which uses
English as a common. No need to really master English, but should able to
understand simple commands and able to respond.

7. Teach their name and parents names: 

A toddler should able to tell his name as well as his parents name. If much 
possible try to teach them about the house address or any easy contact
detail. In any emergency if required they should able to tell the contact details. 

8. Train sanitary habits; 

Train the toddler to cover his/her nose and mouth while sneezing and 
coughing. This stops from spreading infection to others. It is better to 
train to cover his/her mouth when others sneeze or cough too.. :)


9. Moving freely with other children :

As most of the children are not exposed to others much, they might feel
uncomfortable when they go out. so it is better to send them to play 
grounds where they can mingle with other kids and it will be much easy
for them when they go to kindergarten.

Moving with others

I feel the top 9 points are very essential for a toddler before going to 

kindergarten with my personal experience... If you want to add or 
share anything else.. Please do write to me..